This year's Moab adventures were filled with surprise hail storms and new sights to see. It is nearly impossible to run out of places to hike in Moab, so we always try to explore a new area. Generally, though, we like to spend at least a day or two in Canyonlands, but this year we ventured to new horizons.
We crossed rivers in Negro Bill Canyon to a beautiful arch, and took refuge under boulders after hiking to Jeep Arch during a surprise rain storm.
Sitting in the middle of Jeep Arch |
hiking through Negro Bill Canyon |
Brinley relaxing by the pool |
Jeep Trail (before the rainstorm) |

taking refuge under a rock
My mother and I had a reservation to skydive on Tuesday morning, but due to high winds had to reschedule our jump to Thursday morning. This was my third jump, but my mom's first and I was so excited to share this experience with her. That woman isn't afraid of anything. Suiting up, the ascent to 14,500 ft... homegirl was ecstatic and eager as ever to take the plunge, no nerves whatsoever. I don't tend to get butterflies until my legs are out of the plane and I am ready to fly. I went first so I didn't get to see her jump, but she said leaping out was so nerve-racking and it even took her breath away. Finally! She's human! My instructor and I did a few flips out of the plane, and it was so good to feel that rush of adrenaline again- it has been too long! After free falling for several seconds my instructor gave me the signal and this time I pulled the shoot myself, pretty cool. Taking the handles and spinning the shoot around is easily my next favorite part about skydiving, after the initial jump itself. With a smooth landing I then looked up and got to see my mom enjoying the last few moments of her own flight before she returned safely to the ground. Grinning ear to ear, she said she would definitely do it again. As would I. As will I. |
Brin wanted to skydive |
Me and Mama Bear suited up, ready to skydive |
I'm so grateful that I get to spend time with my family every year and in such a beautiful place. The only downside to the whole thing is how fast it goes by, I am never ready to leave that playground. Luckily I always have next year to look forward to. Until next time Moab.