Oh darling, lets be adventurers.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scatter Brained

Danielle thinks it is so hilarious when i am bored. However, i don't think she realizes that i have two forms of boredom. There is the first- where i become completely and unequivocally delusional, and the second- where i become restless and grumpy. She is enjoying the first type of my boredom right now as she is doing her homework while I am entertaining myself and hysterically laughing. Welcome to apt 118.

Speaking of being bored, on Saturday Danielle and i ran some errands and oh my goodness i forgot to say that we have a new vacuum! For any other neat freak out there you know this is better than Christmas! I vacuumed the whole apartment, and since i was in a cleaning mood i also repainted all of our baseboards after previously scrubbing them down two weeks ago. This is very much beside the point. Anyway, I put up some new things around the apartment.

 Made a very classy sign and some picture frame menus for our kitchen.
Framed some of my favorite toiletry brands in my bathroom.
 This picture is of mine and DJ's "adventurous jar funds" that we are starting this year.
We put money in it every week and can only use it for our amazing fantastic adventures coming our way.

I must warn you before you look at this next picture. 

I had a member come into work and tell us that we have a tree that flips her off every time she leaves (little did she know we did this on purpose....I'm kidding I'm kidding). I went out to see this friendly tree and couldn't resist snapping a picture.
I am sorry for the inappropriateness this displays, but i did warn you....
 "Thank you for choosing to bank with us, have a wonderful day!"

I also just want to say that I am going to miss Erin Stolworthy so unbelievably much! She leaves for the MTC tomorrow, then in 3 months is off to Thailand. Danielle and I were so lucky to have this girl room with us for a few months. We were very frightened at first when she moved in that we would be too much for her to handle, but soon enough Erin's beaming personality reassured us that she was our perfect match. It has been such a blast having her in my life and i cannot wait until the day she comes home again. Erin I love you to death and am so proud of you!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Personal Ad (for friends, calm down)

Who knew?!
 Who knew that making friends at my age was more difficult than ever before.  Who knew that being a fun, outgoing, and super spontaneous person wasn't enough anymore? I consider myself a very likable person (when I'm not being a brat), and i am puzzled why a friendly person like myself lacks friends! I honestly make a big effort to get to know people,and yes i make many new acquaintances, but where are the keepers!? I realize that this makes it seem as if i am a sure loner, but I can promise you you will rarely find someone that has more zest for life than myself. So!? Where in the name of love are you people!?

I am considering putting out a personal ad, I think it would look as follows:
"If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like makin love at midnight in the dunes of the cape
Then I'm the love you've looked for write to me and escape"
So that may not be exactly how i would put it, but what should i say?
If you know how to have a good time, laugh until you're blue
rejoice in spur of the moments, are a true tomboy at heart (for a girl obviously),
lives for the outdoors, love late night food runs
can joke with me, puts friends first
is an honest-to-goodness person, and not afraid to make a fool of yourself
then fetching call me!

Shoot, if you aren't even half of these things it is OK. All I ask is for people who are down to earth and know how to have a good time! 

<insert sigh>
Thank goodness for Flarp.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Last September on a beautiful sunny day the roomie and I were in dier need of a motorcyle ride. Well a motorcycle is something that we are both without, so we gratefully borrowed a friends moped and cruised around town. As we were sitting at one of the many stop lights Provo has to offer, we saw our good friends Caitlin and Devin at the light adjacent from us. Caitlin, being as domestic and artistic and fabulous as she is, had her camera ready to go and snapped a picture of us right then and there. Ladies and gentlemen this photo was not planned, not rehearsed, and definitely not thought out. Proceed................... ......................

Danielle says its perfect because it shows our personalities so well.
She is all sweet and good and i am sassy. 

Onto more important things: X DANCE FILM FESTIVAL STARTS TOMORROW!
You guys! You guys! I look forward to this every year! 
For those of you who don't know, x dance is of extreme sports and sports culture. I am so in love with everything about this!
Here is a clip of my favorite documentary from last year:
Life Cycles 

If you need me within the next 72 hours, I will be at the festival.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bring it on

For years my mother has managed to spoil any and every Christmas surprise coming my way (don't worry Mom, it's pretty comical). From unwrapped Christmas presents, receipts, a blurt of the mouth, to really anything, she has somehow managed to expose the meant-to-be unexposed gift, and i swear i don't bring this upon myself! I am giving her props this year for allowing me to actually be surprised on that special morning, HOWEVER, it was a very close call. Good thing i couldn't quite understand her on the phone giving her more time to think of a lie. Although, this is completely beside the point. My point is...I got a Camelbak for Christmas! Do you understand what this means!? There is nothing holding me back now from climbing those mountains!! Bring on the adventure! 
I must say i have definitely broken in my new Camelback already. The day after Christmas my bestie and I drove right up the hill to a hidden gem: Victor Falls. I wish so very badly to share with you the most hilarious experience that 2011 brought me, but for the sake of my dear friend I am afraid i have to decline. What's this? Do i have pictures of my new treasure? You betcha!
Danielle may or may not have caught me napping in her bed with it on...
Notice the thin rope necessary to climb up and down
 bottom of Victor Falls                  I took this picture unbeknownst to Stephanie, but she is actually in here :)

When i was home i was finally able to finish my Mom's Christmas present, which was pictures of us Hanni girls when we were little, and put them on wooden blocks (they have open backs for hanging purposes). I was actually going to remake these exact pictures but with us all grown up and modgepodge them as well. The younger one and I did a great job reenacting our pictures, but with the lack of help from the very cooperative older one i wasn't able to do so. But they really turned out great and Mother Dear loves them.

 Lets get a closeup of that cute blonde one:
 (unanimous awwwww) this is the original version, my friend brightened
them up in Photoshop for me to use on Mom's present.

After the dreaded hugs goodbye, i came home to Provo to an empty apartment. Erin had moved out and Danielle was still in Virginia for another week and a half! Not the best time for me to be alone, but i cleaned the CRAP out of our apartment. I was so impressed that i ate my dinner off of the kitchen floor. Yep, even licked it clean.
I also decided to do a couple projects in my room of materials i mostly already had:
 sewed me some sequin throw pillow covers
 the wall on the side of my bed.
yes i need to fill them with pictures and straighten them back out.
I happen to really like this wall :)

Oh my goodness this is such a long post, i truly got carried away! Well, Danielle has finally returned to her rightful  home so i have been gratefully occupied with her company. I'm sure there will soon be more adventures to come from us gals. Until then.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Abundant Life

It is a new year, and as custom much self reflection has come at this time. There are many things over the last year that i am able to be grateful for, but there are also many things i would like to change or improve on. As i have a personal list of resolutions/goals to achieve this year that i will keep to myself, i want to share what i think is most important in order for one to achieve their goals or improve their lives and do so in a happy manor. Of course i cannot take full credit for these words of wisdom for they come directly from Pres Monson. He shares with us his own ABC's to help us all gain "the abundant life".

The A refers to Attitude
So much in life refers to our attitude. OF COURSE IT DOES! If you were to say otherwise, clearly you need your very own attitude adjustment. The way we view things makes all the difference. I think it is about doing the very best we can, and then choosing to be happy because we have done all that we could. Charles Swindoll said: “Attitude, to me, is more important than … the past, … than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.”  And with that i have no further comment :)

B is for Believe (in yourself).
Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities. It has been said, read, sung, written, and recited so many times before...If you believe, you can accomplish anything, if you just believe. BOOM. Don't just hear those words, listen to them!

C, my friends, is for Courage
"There will be times when you will be frightened and discouraged. You may feel that you are defeated. The odds of obtaining victory may appear overwhelming". Courage is what is required to make that effort, "but even greater courage is called for when one stumbles and must make a second effort to achieve".

Let us all use these ABC's in our daily lives. We can truly change so much within us and around us if we will just apply this to ourselves! Never underestimate the impossible, because with this the impossible becomes possible.