Oh darling, lets be adventurers.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lets Do It.

"Life is a Daring adventure or nothing at all" -Helen Keller
One of my all time favorite quotes and words which I live by.
Stephanie Renee Calton and I have literally been the best of friends since I can remember. I do not recall the first time we met, but we were already inseparable by the time kindergarten rolled around. This girl is my soul mate of a best friend. I do not find it necessary to list many of the million reasons why we are the coolest best friends in the world, except for one.
I emailed Stephanie while at work one day and told her it was time for us to finally take the vacation we have always wanted to take. There was never a specific location, but we knew we wanted an amazing adventure together. Steph was open to the idea, so it was up to me to do the investigating and convincing. After much time spent searching, comparing, reviewing, budgeting, and travel agents and phone calls, I found the place. We were to stay in a thatch on a beautiful privately owned island in Belize. Unfortunately, too much controversy and a serious lack of communication from their side forced us to bail on Belize. Can you Belize it!? (insert laugh). After much consideration, I found THE place- Fiji. I sat down with someone who had lived all over there for two years and we mapped out the places and activities we would be participating in day by day (really though, I have a spread sheet). Now for the tough part- convincing Stephanie to spend a LOT more money than we had originally planned. I relayed the agenda, and finally gave her an estimated price. Needless to say she wasn't thrilled, so I told her to think about it all night, sleep on it, and tell me her verdict in the morning. 

Ladies and Gentlemen this is the moment that changed our lives forever...

Difficult to see, but as I held my breath that next morning while opening her email, the words "Lets do it" appeared across the screen. Nothing more, nothing less.

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Couldn't have said it better myself Marky Mark! To those of you who find it nonsensical and unreasonable to take some time and splurge on yourself - just do it! Stop thinking of a time that would "work" better for you, and seriously consider a dream of yours believable and achievable. One of the purposes of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear. Adventures don't come around the corner looking for us, you have to go looking for them.

1 month until my birthday, 27 days until Fiji.

Lets do it.

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